
Dublin Osteopath and Complementary Therapies, Rathgar, Dublin 6

The Winton Practice Announcement

30th October 2020

Ostoepathy is regarded as an Essential Service under level 5.

This means you can freely travel outside your 5km limit to attend an appointment with us.

The Osteopathic Council has prepared the attached letter which you can download and fill your details, with my name as the registered Osteopath and you are free to travel to your appointment.

To download your Essential_Worker_Letter_Patient (2)

Keep well.


Healing Hands – Healing You

At the Winton Practice, Dublin 6, our Osteopaths and other practitioners have the skills and healing hands to put you and your children back on the path to better health.

Patients visit us for treatment of:

  • Pregnancy – difficulties pre-and post natal, SPD Symphysis Pubic Dysfunction»
  • Unsettled babies infants and toddlers with glue ear, colic and other difficulties

…and everything else in between!

And don’t worry if we haven’t mentioned your particular ailment or illness - call us anyway and osteopath treatments  may be able to help you. T:  01 490 5818